Academic Publish Journals FAQ:
How can I submit research paper for publishing in academic publish journals FAQ?
You can submit research paper at [email protected] or online submission through website form. Moreover, only word file of paper is accepted for publishing in academic journal publication.
How many days are required for indexing of my published paper in academic research publications?
Paper once published will be available for lifetime. In addition, indexing of paper will take 2 to 7 days. Further, Indexing depends on many factors like crawler of search engines, overlap of manuscript, and uniqueness of content.
How many days are required for my article published in journal?
It will take only one day for publishing article in International Peer Reviewed Journals after acceptance of article.
How many days are required for peer review process for journals to publish research papers?
It will take 2 to 14 days for first decision by the editor. In addition, final decision depends on multiple factor related to research work.
How do I know that my paper is published online in scientific research publishing journals?
We will send you intimation mail with your published paper attached with it. On the other hand, our all scientific research publishing journals are very high citation and greater visibility Journals.
How much fee is required for publishing scientific articles in online paper publication journals?
There is no publishing fee for manuscript publishing in Journal but small amount of fee is required for open access of article.
Do I need to make paper in your journal format?
Editorial service is free. Therefore, you can submit your paper in word format. In conclusion, all typesetting and editing will be made by Journal editors and publishing team.
I need language correction service, how much I need to pay for it?
It’s absolutely free. Therefore, no need to pay any fee for language editing and correction service.
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